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What the world needs now...

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Rescue Efforts

Happy Tails Rescue Strategy: A Lifeline for Animals in Crisis

Happy Tails' Rescue Strategy is a detailed plan to mobilize resources and community support for animals in distress. We believe every animal deserves a life without suffering and act promptly with compassion and effectiveness.

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Shelter Maintenance

Ensuring a Sanctuary for Rescued Animals

The Shelter Maintenance Campaign strives to create a sanctuary where rescued animals heal from abuse and neglect, preparing them for adoption or foster care in a safe and nurturing environment.

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Feeding Program

Nourishing Stray and Feral Animals with Compassion

Happy Tails' Feeding Program stands as a cornerstone of our commitment to alleviating hunger, promoting health, and fostering compassion for stray and feral animals in our community.

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  • Karen Cipri

    Persist in your noble efforts! Your dedication to these animals is unmatched. Blessings upon your compassionate hearts!

  • Les Tilka

    What an incredible organization standing in the gap for animal welfare. Adopt, don’t shop!

  • Isan de Jesus

    Continue your compassionate and generous work, Happy Tails team!

  • OJ Fudalan, Jr.

    At Happy Tails, I've witnessed an unparalleled level of passion and commitment to champion the cause of voiceless animals. The unwavering dedication of the team never fails to inspire me each day.

A world where animals live free from suffering

Happy Tails Four Pillars


A Comprehensive Strategy to Ensure Humane Population Management

Shelter Maintenance

Ensuring a Sanctuary for Rescued Animals

Rescue Operations

A Lifeline for Animals in Crisis

Feeding Program

Nourishing Stray and Feral Animals with Compassion

A world of compassion, care, and love for animals...

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